My grandmother and grandfather grew up in the old ways of living. My grandfather had a house in the city limits of Jonesville NC with indoor plumbing and sold his nice home and moved to a cabin in Lone Hickory NC without any plumbing. He had nothing but an old outhouse. I guess since he grew up that way it didn't bother him very much. As a young boy playing in that old cabin I used to see a white enamel bucket with a lid under their bed and I ask grandma what that was? She said it was a slop jar. Well being young I didn't question it anymore until it hit me just a few weeks ago. I was thinking what it would have been like to live back in the days of no indoor plumbing and nothing to use but the house out back. I thought to myself that it would be mighty cold to go out and use the bathroom in twenty degree weather and how cold it would be sitting on the throne in the dark in the middle of the night. That would be almost intolerable. Then it came to mind what grandma had said while I was about seven years old. What is that old bucket under the bed grandma? She said it was a slop jar, and now I realize why you didn't have to go out in the cold, cold weather to use the bathroom. I still can't imagine how one would put the merchandise into the jar but that is another story to ponder upon. I can only imagine a special wooden chair with a hole cut out in the center.
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