Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Nasal Cycle

Did you know that the nose has a nasal cycle? Several times during the day one nostril will partially close while the other one opens up totally and then the other one will close and the opposite one will open up. Try this experiment at various times throughout the day. You will notice that you can breathe better out of different nostrils at various times of the day. Most people that I talked too even my doctor have never heard of such a thing. The nasal cycle was first described by the German physician Richard Kayser in 1895. Yogi’s have known about the nasal cycle hundreds of years ago. The human body in its perfect creation by our creator keeps the cycle going all throughout the day to keep a balance of oxygen between the right side of the brain and the left side of the brain. Throughout the night while we are asleep you will notice that we changed the side that we are lying on too. This is to balance the cycles between the nostrils and we do it involuntarily. Our subconscious mind does this for us just like it controls the other involuntary functions of our body. Never of heard of such? It seems new to me too but just check it out on numerous search engines and you will find article after article on the subject. I wonder why they didn’t teach this in anatomy.